MAD photography
MAD Photography is good photography!
OK! this site is going to be undergoing som MAJOR CHANGES! NEW PHOTOS, NEW LAYOUTS, NEW NEWNESS! the whole deal... so bear with me... thanks!
The flesh and bones of what is eccentially me..
I have no delusions of being the best photographer, or even having the best site. if anything i think my site is kinda like myself, really laid back and kinda unconventional. if your looking for a button down, straight to the point photography site, i appologize. but if anything i hope that people can see past the minor dissaray, and multiple spelling errors on my site, and to the true subject at hand. Indipendant Photography
all the photgraphy on this page was taken, edited by and is Copywrited by me (Michael A Dias Jr.) unless otherwise stated.
join the misfit mike fan-club.. well it's kinda a club
got a question for me? from the Rhode Island area and wanna chill or have me do some photography for you? or just think im plain cool! well too bad.. nah im just kiddin send me an e-mail and i'll try to get back to ya.. if you can make the subject of the e-mail something abou the page so im not like "hell is this??"